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A    J O U R N E Y    T O    E C O    H O T E L . 


Statistics indicate 1 hotel guest produces approximately 1 kilogram of waste per night. More than half of it consists of papers, plastics and cardboards.

Statistics indicate 1 hotel guest produces approximately 1 kilogram of waste per night. More than half of it consists of papers, plastics and cardboards.

P O R   T H A P A E   G A T E   I S   D E T E R M I N E D   T O   T A K E   O N   A   J O U R N E Y  W I T H  T H E S E   S U S T A I N A B L E   A P P R O A C H E S .

POR Thapae Gate Eco Illustration

POR Thapae Gate has dedicated water filtration system to purify water before releasing it to the main drainage.

POR Thapae Gate Eco Illustration

We install Mitsubishi air conditioner, to ensure comfortable temperature and air quality in every room.


90% of the light bulb used in our hotel is LED which reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.


POR Thapae Gate Eco Illustration
POR Thapae Gate Eco Illustration

We recycle our waste by cooperating with a responsible organization.


GEPP is an organization founded by Chiang Mai Municipality. They work as a middle man between nature lover and recycling factory.

POR Thapae Gate first meeting for eco hotel

We choose eco-friendly alternatives for our hotel amenities, such as glass water bottles and bamboo toothbrush.

POR Thapae Gate tumbler hanging in hotel

S U S T A I N A B I L T Y   I S   A   C H O I C E . 

We do not have car parking, but free bicycles is always available to ride around the old city. 

Most importantly, all of POR Thapae Gate team is committed with our mission and dedicated to make our planet a little cleaner everyday.

POR Thapae Gate bicycle for eco traveling
POR Thapae Gate recyclable glass water bottle
POR Thapae Gate eco bottle
POR Thapae Gate eco team washes temple wall

C O N T A C T    P O R   T H A P A E   G A T E

Tel: +66 92 665 0404
+66 53 111 707

9 Soi 3 Rachadamneon Road, Sripoom 

Muang Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200




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